Friday 12 March 2010

The day of our presentation

Today is the day of our presentation to Suited and Booted and the Bath film office. We have spent the first hour setting things up and running through our speaking parts and the technical side of the presentation. We basically just finished off all of our bullet points for our speaking and decided on what order to go in. We had a practice run through and it was roughly 10minutes long which was the required time. We went next door, when it was time to start, and watched Ashley, Harriet, Olly, Frank and Lauren do there film presentation first. We were to go second and be filmed and asked questions about our filming experience. We were lucky to go second as watching the first presentation gave us an idea of what sort of questions we were going to be asked and also to see if our way of presenting would work and be acceptable. Our presentation went really well and I felt as if we really connected with the audience and carried out the brief well. Sara, Jenny and Rachel seemed really pleased with our effort and our outcome and only queried our choice of costume. We would have done this better had we had a budget and dressed in more appropriate period costume.

This was a really good opportunity to watch and get some insight into how the other groups worked and created there films. It was really interesting to see and hear how differently we all went about planning and creating our films. Another thing that I found really interesting was how we all interpreted the brief and seeing how different everyone's ideas about the word and meaning 'Gothic'. After watching the films I think that everyone stuck to the brief and created unique films.

5th March lesson - planning for our film presentation

This lesson was dedicating to making the finishing touches to our editing and planning our presentation for Suited and Booted and the Bath film office. We have been asked to design a 10 minute presentation between us to pitch our film to our clients. Our group has decided to design some postcard sized handouts to promote our film. We took on different roles in our presentation, for example, I am going to be talking about our locations and the acting in the film. Jenni is talking about the reason why it should be put on the website, overall filming and the music aspect of our film. Jack is making a power point presentation in order to demonstrate to the audience how and why he has edited the chosen film the way he has. Behind me and Jenni talking there will be an enlarged version of our handout to provide a backdrop to our speaking section.

Unfortunately Daisy was not present in this lesson so we had to assign her the section of how the filming and directing went as she was primarily the main person to have worked on this.

Friday 26 February 2010

Sally's song analysis - Nightmare Before Christmas

This is 'Sally's song' from the film The Nightmare Before Christmas directed by Tim Burton. the song is a crucial part of the film as it lets the audience know how Sally feels about Jack and his plans to take over Christmas. The background music to the song is very dark and played using an accordion - which creates a very awkward sound to the song. This is very apt due to the way the film is made and presented. The lyrics to the song are as follows:

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one.

The lyrics to the song tell the audience of Sally's want to be with Jack and stand by him. It also tells us that she fears the worst for him as she can see how he has gone too far with the idea about delivering Christmas. This clip is a non-diagetic extract from the movie. The audio explains how Sally feels towards Jack and how she doubts that they will ever be together. The tension of the scene is built mainly through the lyrics and the high pitch tone of the voice. The music that accompanies the lyrics builds the atmosphere that something bad is going to happen. This scene begins with joyus, happy music that is suddenly contrasted and transitioned into Sally's song. This abruptly changes the mood of the scene from happy to sad. The overall mood of the extract is how Sally is feeling worried and fearing for Jacks safety. It also explains to us how Sally feels emotionally about Jack and whether or not she thinks they will end up together.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Friday 12th Feb - last day before half term!

During this lesson we refined our films and reviewed them. We sat as a group to discuss which ones we should put forward to the film office and we all decided on Jacks. His film just seemed so much more professional and well thought out and looked like a proper short film. We were all so pleased with all of our outcomes and I personally am proud of mine considering that I have never used Final cut before or edited a film at all. All the techniques I used, for example the speed and the soft edges, all made my film what it is. In thus session we also decided on a name for our film - we came up with Red Dress, After Life and Ghost of Bath. We eventually decided on After Life as our title. We thought this was very apt due to the story and journey of the ghost in the film.

Friday 12 February 2010

Permission to film

These are all the permission letters and emails we received whilst trying to get permission to film in the places we wanted to shoot in.

5th Feb

Unfortunately I was not present in this lesson. I had a meeting with my group about what had happened whilst I was away and they informed me that they continued to edit their films and also discussed slightly the name that they wanted to give the film. I have continued to edit my film to get up to date with my group and am now ready to continue with it during our next lesson.

29th January

During this lesson we continued to refine our film edit. I added soft edges to the film to create a softening and old fashioned feel. I also added my dialogue boxes using the text tool. These occur every so often during the film to tell the audience the story of our two characters. The text tool allowed me to change the font, size and colour of the text. It also allowed me to move the text where I wanted it to be.