Friday 9 October 2009

Planning for our short film

Last week Jo (our film teacher) gave us our project for this week. our project was to create a short film based on the title 'After the Storm'. We were assigned to groups of three (Me, Faii and Liam) and given the chance to write down initial ideas about what our short film could be about. We came up with lots of different ideas, our favourites included the come down after taking drugs, the aftermath of a storm or an advert for a product called 'After the Storm', (that one was my favourite!) In the end we decided to do the short film about a superhero called 'The Storm'. The film would based on an interview of 'Storm' about what his life used to be like and, in contrast, what his life is like now. We thought that this would be the best idea because it is original, unique and quite quirky. We also thought it would be funny and also very fun to make.

In our planning we had to consider props, sound, lighting, locations and costume. As a group we thought that a simple mask, logo and cape would be sufficient for representing the superhero. For the overall theme of the film we wanted to portray it as a spoof and make it funny. This is what encouraged us to use tinfoil and card to make our costume. :) As a result after planning and making up a storyboard we found that we only needed a couple of props. This included a halo (made out of tinfoil), a pencil and some paper. We wanted the location to be set in town but away from the public so that we could work well and not be distracted. We chose for the location of the outside scenes to be by a busy road to show that he was constantly in the public eye but also somewhere where there weren't very many members of the public. As a time period we thought that the 1960's could be when he was in his prime and very famous. We portrayed this by using music such as, The Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix.

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