Tuesday 15 December 2009

Gothic film - 11th dec - Second day of filming

Today was our second and last day of filming and there is only one word that can describe my feelings for the day…COLD!!!! It was extremely cold and foggy and I found it very hard to work in the conditions that we were given. However, I gritted my teeth and got on with it to create what we hope to be a good gothic film of bath in the end. The last week jack had spent trying to get permission for the places we did not have permission to film in yet. These were Victoria Park near the Royal crescent, Southgate and also Sydney Gardens. We were able to get permission for the Circus the week before but didn’t manage to get up there until the second day of filming. We managed to get the permission we needed for Victoria Park and Southgate but we did not get permission for Sydney Gardens, which meant we were unable to achieve doing our shot there. We did however achieve the filming in Victoria Park, The Circus and Southgate.

Our first location was Victoria Park and we did about 5 shots of me running around the lawn in front of the crescent looking for my love. It was ever so cold and very wet and my feet went numb but I knew we had to achieve the shot. I trust Daisy and Jack’s knowledge about the camera and hope that they thought I achieved the right affect.

Our second location was The Circus. This shot would consist of me sitting in the middle of The Circus having almost given up on trying to find my long lost love. At this point I was seriously being affect by the cold and couldn’t feel my feet which meant I had a hard job acting the way I should have been because my thoughts were so fixed on how freezing I was. I assume we achieved the shot but I haven’t looked back on any of them as we were working to a very tight schedule.

Our third and final location was Southgate, outside of the shop Republic. We had to go into Republic to begin with and ask the supervisor if it was ok to film outside of the shop. He had to ask lots of different questions about what we were doing and what we were trying to achieve and then he gave us the permission we needed to do our last shot. It was an over shoulder (my shoulder) shot of my love ‘seeing’ me in the modern day and us passing each other in Southgate. The film ends on a cliffhanger and therefore has no real conclusion to the story. Our next step is to try and make it black and white and work out what we need to write in our dialogue boxes

1 comment:

  1. A good account of the day. Did you assist jack and Daisy with the filming as well as acting in the film? If you did, this should be evidenced on your blog.
